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  A Reminder
Here's an excerpt I like a lot from a famous Chinese poet, Tao Yuanming (陶渊明)
Roughly translated, it means the following:
O blossom at dawn,
In the midst of your prideful display,
Can you foresee your petals tainted by mud at dusk?
And what are we but ephemeral beings in this world,
as we turn into dust within the blink of an eye.
As I ponder this inevitable fate,
I cannot help but feel sorrow.
O blossom at dawn,
Do you lament the wilting that comes at dusk?
To cry or to laugh knowing your ending,
To wait or to make your own fortune,
The choice is yours.
So what are you waiting for?
Strive for truth and goodness.
This may sound clichéd, but in the middle of all this rush to learn how to do things more efficiently, I would like to take a moment to remind myself the why behind it all.
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